About Sampa Industrial Company


Provided quality assurances of production and procces of producing in Sampa with the help of knowledge of employees is providing high standards

Environmental approach

We try to decrease the waste of plastic consumption by providing some helpful and modern strategies to reduce energy consumtion

Costumer Orientation

In the plastic artifacts field, technical innovation led the industry to being better every single year and we trying to answer to the costumer’s requirement

Brand Costumers

We the honor of producing plastic products for best brands and companies in different fields such as food product, cosmetic product and industrial product

Sampa History

 Our company begun its activity twenty years ago in Plastic Injection Industry, Blow molding and with considering the requirment of cosmetic industry, Detergent industry, Food Industry and Pharmaceutical Industry we have honor to get satisfaction of producers and costumersby using our experience and experts

The field of our avtivity

Designing of packaging containers adn plastic parts

molding of PE bottle, PET bottles, flip-top of bottles and plastic productions

Production of packaging containers, packaging bottles, doors and plastic part